How I Write Posts

This is a non-technical post, I wanted to explain a few things about my blogging.

First, I usually write in British English. This is essentially because I work (and have worked in the past) for British companies, so this is the variant of English that I use daily. This has no other meaning than this.

Second, I usually prepare my posts for a long time before they are actually published, but, still, things happen and I sometimes get things wrong, or wish to add/clarify something. So, I frequently make amends to posts, and sometimes I even signal them.

My interests include .NET and ASP.NET Core, databases (SQL Server, Elasticsearch), JavaScript, and web/distributed development in general. I probably won't write about Java, Go, or Python.

I tend to avoid what I feel is unnecessary details, such as using directives, and the likes, and also generally keep error handling to the minimum. This doesn't mean that I don't care about it, it's just that it's usually not the point of the post.

Sometimes I create series of posts on some topic, such as pitfalls, architecture, and so on. I usually (on the old blog) create a page to list them all together and keep updating it as the list grows.

I don't have the time, the skills, or the patience, to create videos, and I am really not good with images, but sometimes I include them. Whenever they weren't produced by me, I indicate the source.

I try to tag all posts with as many tags as I find appropriate, I really like to be able to find things through tags.

I always strive to include useful links to reference documentation from authoritative, usually from Microsoft, Mozilla, or Wikipedia (yes, I do find Wikipedia reliable, at least, for the references I'm interested in), or to other posts of mine.

Some of my posts have related code either in GitHub or Nuget, or both. I always mention the links at the end.

When a post is finished, I post the link on LinkedIn, X (I know, I know...), and BlueSky. This one won't be, as it is not really that important, it's more for followers of my blogs.

Always allow comments, but I do review them, as I get a lot of spam.

And this is basically it. Always happy to discuss these or any other topics, so feel free to drop me a line!


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