OpenTelemetry with ASP.NET Core
I wrote a post not too long ago about the building blocks of telemetry, or distributed tracing, with ASP.NET Core. Now I'm going to talk about how we can see it working using an open source bundle, otel-lgtm. Mind you, this may not be 100% suitable for production, but for development purposes, it should be fine, all concepts apply, of course.
I won't cover everything about OpenTelemetry here, but should hopefully give you some insights as to what's there and how you can make good use of it. First, lets see what some of the concepts are.
OpenTelemetry (OTel) provides a single, open-source standard, and a set of technologies to capture and export metrics, traces, and logs from your cloud-native applications and infrastructure. OTel is both a standard and a reference implementation that builds on other standards, such as W3C Distributed Tracing. OpenTelemetry is essentially a data collector that stores data that is sent seamlessly by web servers and clients, and there are implementations for .NET. OpenTelemetry collects logs, metrics, and traces - the three pillars of observability - from different hosts, and thus can be used for observability. OpenTelemetry for .NET can instrument both server-side (ASP.NET Core) as well as client code (HttpClient calls).
I will now introduce some related tools.
Grafana, Loki, Tempo, and Prometheus
There are plenty of tools that can be used to collect, gather, and visualise logs, traces, and metrics, the following ones are part of a package that I will use to demonstrate the concepts discussed in this post. They reflect just my preferences, and, as I said, there are many others.
Visualisation: Grafana
Grafana is, per the official documentation, the open source analytics & monitoring solution for every database. It can be used to visualise and build dashboards over the collected data. It is available as source from
Logging: Loki
Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system. It can be obtained from
Tracing: Grafana Tempo
Grafana Tempo is an open source, easy-to-use, and high-scale distributed tracing backend. Tempo is available from
Metrics: Prometheus
Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system with a dimensional data model, flexible query language, efficient time series database and modern alerting approach. You can get it from
Putting it all together
docker-otel-lgtm is an OpenTelemetry backend bundled as a Docker image. It contains Grafana, Loki, Tempo, and Prometheus, all fully configured and integrated. This bundle is described here, and you may want to have a look. Grafana is used for visualisations and dashboards, and is pre-connected to the Loki and Tempo databases, and to Prometheus, which is used for querying them. Full source is available here and you can learn more on how to use metrics, logs, traces and profiles in Grafana here.
The best way to get into it it is by cloning the repository and then using Docker to run it. You can run it directly using docker command or by using a Docker Compose file. Here is my docker-compose.yml:
services: otel-lgtm: image: grafana/otel-lgtm container_name: otel-lgtm ports: - 3000:3000 - 4317:4317 - 4318:4318
Ports 4317 and 4318 are for the GRPC and the HTTP Protobuf exporter, and 3000 is for Grafana and Prometheus. More on this in a moment. Nothing too fancy here.
After all the services are running, you can point your browser to http://localhost:3000.
Note: if you are using Google Chrome, because of HSTS, you may be redirected to https://localhost:3000, but because the site is not being served using HTTPS, the connection will fail. If this happens, navigate to chrome://net-internals/#hsts and then delete domain security policies for host localhost.
Here is a screenshot of what Grafana looks like:
![]() |
The Grafana explorer |
Setting up OpenTelemetry in ASP.NET Core
As we said, OpenTelemetry collects different information:
- Logs
- Metrics
- Traces
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi
- OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Console
- OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OpenTelemetryProtocol
- OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Prometheus.AspNetCore
- OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting
- OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore
After you setup OpenTelemetry in your ASP.NET Core project, the logs, metrics, and traces will be sent seamlessly to the OpenTelemetry. Let's have a look at this.
Creating Activity Sources, Meters, Gauges, and Counters
Let's create an activity source, an instance of ActivitySource, that will be used to create activities for tracing operations (like action method calls or other requests):
var forecastActivitySource = new ActivitySource("Forecast.ActivitySource");
We will create a meter too:
var forecastMeter = new Meter("forecast_meter", "1.0.0");
From this meter we will create a counter and a gauge (new in .NET 9):
var forecastCounter = forecastMeter.CreateCounter<int>("forecast_counter", description: "Counts the number of forecasts");
var temperatureGauge = forecastMeter.CreateGauge<int>("forecast_temperature", description: "Forecast temperature");
We'll se in a moment what they will be used for. For now, it is sufficient to say that a counter will represent a single monotonically increasing numeric value, whereas a gauge represents also a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down.
Now, because we will need to access this activity source, we need to store it in some place where can easily reach for it. Two main options:
- Store in a static field (recommended approach)
- Add to the Dependency Injector (DI) container as a Singleton (not recommended)
If we go down the static field option, it could be like this:
public static class Activities
internal static readonly ActivitySource ForecastActivitySource = new ActivitySource("Forecast.ActivitySource");
And, for the DI version:
using var forecastActivitySource = new ActivitySource("Forecast.ActivitySource");
builder.Services.AddKeyedSingleton<ActivitySource>(forecastActivitySource, "Forecast.ActivitySource");
We're registering our ActivitySource instance under a specific key, because we have have more than one. In a while we'll see a better version of this.
Since ActivitySource is disposable, in this example, we are implicitly (using) disposing of the instance at the end of the current scope, which will likely be the shutdown of the web application (WebApplication.Run(), in the default code template). For the static field version, we should dispose of it ourselves explicitly.
Slightly better, we can create a class to store both our ActivitySource and our metrics (the counter and the gauge):
public sealed class Instrumentation : IDisposable
public Instrumentation(ActivitySource forecastActivitySource, Counter<int> forecastCounter, Gauge<int> forecastTemperature)
ForecastActivitySource = forecastActivitySource;
ForecastCounter = forecastCounter;
ForecastTemperature = forecastTemperature;
public ActivitySource ForecastActivitySource { get; }
public Counter<int> ForecastCounter { get; }
public Gauge<int> ForecastTemperature { get; }
public void Dispose()
It is now just a matter of registering it with the DI container:
builder.Services.AddSingleton(new Instrumentation(forecastActivitySource, forecastCounter, forecastTemperature));
Likewise, we should not forget to dispose of it when the application is terminating.
Note: the inspiration for this class came from a Microsoft sample made available here.
Setting Up OpenTelemetry
Next, we need to register the OpenTelemetry services by calling the AddOpenTelemetry extension method:
var telemetry = builder.Services
.ConfigureResource(options => options
.AddService(serviceName: Environment.MachineName)
.AddAttributes(new Dictionary<string, object> { ["host.environment"] = builder.Environment.EnvironmentName }));
Notice here that we are setting the name of the machine the code is running as the OpenTelemetry service name; other options could be leaving it as blank, which means the current assembly name would be used, or some other meaningful name, we'll see later how this is used. We're also, for the sake of completion, passing a custom attribute "host.environment" that contains the current execution environment.
Let's start by making OpenTelemetry aware of our logs:
telemetry.WithLogging(static options =>
And if we need to control (filter out) what is logged to OpenTelemetry:
builder.Logging.AddFilter<OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider>("*", LogLevel.Error);
builder.Logging.AddFilter<OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider>("MyNamespace.MyClass", LogLevel.Warning);
Please refer to this page for more information on how to filter logs with the OpenTelemetryLoggerProvider.
If we want, we can also include activity-specific information in the logs automatically:
builder.Logging.Configure(static options => { options.ActivityTrackingOptions = ActivityTrackingOptions.SpanId | ActivityTrackingOptions.TraceId | ActivityTrackingOptions.ParentId | ActivityTrackingOptions.Baggage | ActivityTrackingOptions.Tags; });
And here is the documentation for LoggerFactoryOptions and ActivityTrackingOptions.
Because the AddOpenTelemetry and ConfigureResource methods allow composability, we can then add other services, such as metrics:
telemetry.WithMetrics(options => options
Notice that we are adding some default metrics ("Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting" and "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel"), besides our own custom metric ("forecast_meter"). The full list of out-of-the-box metrics is available here. With this, whenever we make changes to one of its meters - the counter and the gauge, in this example - they will be propagated transparently to the OpenTelemetry server.
It's the AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation method that actually makes all the magic occur for ASP.NET Core, without it, the metrics wouldn't be sent. There are many other libraries that offer other instrumentation capabilities:
Each of these packages requires its own setup, and will send metrics that are particular to its target.
We also adding the Prometheus exporter, which we will discuss in a moment, the other exporter is the console, which just means any metrics will be output to the console, besides being sent to OpenTelemetry.
For the Prometheus exporter, we also need to add some middleware to our pipeline, after it is built:
path: "/metrics"
The path parameter is optional, and it defaults to "/metrics". The is the relative path, from your web application, where the Prometheus metrics will be exposed.
There's more to Prometheus, and you can read about it here.
Let's add tracing too:
telemetry.WithTracing(options => options
We added explicitly our "Forecast.ActivitySource" activity source, without this, any activities created from it would not be propagated.
Adding the console exporter means that all traces will be sent to the console.
After all the services are registered, we need to tell OpenTelemetry to actually use the OpenTelemetry (OTLP) protocol exporter:
protocol: OtlpExportProtocol.HttpProtobuf,
baseUrl: new("http://localhost:4318/")
The protocol and baseUrl parameters are optional and default, respectively, to OtlpExportProtocol.Grpc and "http://localhost:4317/". For OtlpExportProtocol.HttpProtobuf, the URL should be set to "http://localhost:4318/". This can be done on a service-by-service basis (metrics, logs, traces) or globally for all, as I just did.
We're now ready to go!
Applying OpenTelemetry
As an example, let's suppose we have an API controller such as WeatherForecastController, from the standard ASP.NET Core template. In it we have a Get method that returns dummy weather information (note: for a working example about returning actual weather information, please read this).
In this method, we'll inject the Instrumentation class that we registered a while back:
[HttpGet(Name = "GetWeatherForecast")]
public IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> Get([FromServices] Instrumentation instrumentation)
And inside of it, we'll create a new activity to track the usage of the method:
using var forecastActivity = instrumentation.ForecastActivitySource.StartActivity("GetWeatherForecast");
And after get the weather forecast dummy samples, we can add some tags to it, like the current temperature and summary:
forecastActivity.SetTag("Temperature", forecast[0].TemperatureC); forecastActivity.SetTag("Summary", forecast[0].Summary);
Also, we add values to our metrics:
And, just so that we have a complete example, let's log the current values:
_logger.LogInformation("Date: {Date}, Summary: {Summary}, Temperature: {Temperature}", forecast[0].Date, forecast[0].Summary, forecast[0].TemperatureC);
Now, you may wonder why I'm not using string interpolation on the call to LogInformation, see here why that is.
If we want, we can disable metrics for a specific action method using an ASP.NET Core request feature, the one we're interested in is IHttpMetricsTagsFeature. It has an MetricsDisabled property which we can set to false to disable metrics just for the current request.
var feature = HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpMetricsTagsFeature>();
feature.MetricsDisabled = true;
Or we can adjust - add, remove - the tags to be sent too, through the Tags property.
If the OpenTelemetry is successfully set up, the server will start receiving our logs, metrics, and traces!
Monitoring OpenTelemetry
Now, it's time to watch it in action! Navigate to the weather forecast endpoint and make a few calls, so that we have data to watch.
Watching Logs
By navigating to http://localhost:3000/a/grafana-lokiexplore-app/explore, or choosing Explore - Logs on the left menu, we get this:
The logs visualiser |
Expanding one of the log entries we get:
A log entry |
You can see here the individual values (fields) for the log entry, the ones we didn't use interpolation for - each of the fields in the log call. You can also filter by time interval or by any of the fields that exist in any log entry, and, of course, by service name - remember that you can collect logs for many services.
Watching Metrics
Metrics are available from Explore - Metrics, or by navigating to http://localhost:3000/explore/metrics/trail:
The metrics |
Again, you can filter by time interval or by any of the imported metrics. Remember, you will only see the metrics that you explicitly configured.
Remember when we talked about the Prometheus exporter? Well, if you enable it and go to http://localhost:3000/metrics, you can see a dump of all the metrics as they are being received:
The Prometheus exporter |
Watching Traces
You can watch the traces on the main screen (Explore), in http://localhost:3000/explore. Select Tempo as the data source:
The traces |
We can always filter or expand a trace and see its children and attributes, on the right panel:
Trace attributes |
As you can see, telemetry is a fascinating subject. The ability to have, in a centralised location, all of the logs, metrics, and traces, of many applications is very powerful and incredibly useful. Long gone are the days of looking at individual log files. This is based on standards and can be used in many different languages and APIs. I hope you find this post useful, looking forward for your comments!
Really greate article.
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